What are shoppable posts, and why should you use them?

If you sell products, services, or information, did you know that you can create shoppable posts on Instagram? Combined with Facebook, you can have an actual store using these two social media platforms easily and quickly. 

Reach More People

You’re going to reach more people on Instagram when you combine it with shopping. Once you set it up, depending on the platforms you use to assist, you may be able to add shopping tags throughout the net to attract even more people to buy your items. 

Enable Unplanned Purchases

You know how when you go to the store to window shop, you end up coming home with everything and more? Well, shopping on Instagram can be like that. Many people are just looking at the pretty, inspirational pictures, but the ease of clicking to buy cannot be resisted. 

Make Starting to Sell Products Simple 

It’s easy to set up. Even though just using Instagram with Facebook is a little limited if you need to sell a physical product, this is a fast and free way to get started making sales.

Look Legit 

When you sell your products at the place you display them, it makes you look more legit. Even though it’s the same platform everyone else is using, that’s where people like to be and shop. Being where your customers are is why it works.

Instagram Shoppable Posts Works

Businesses and brands have amazing results, with shoppable posts increasing sales by 25 percent or more. Even if you’re starting, adding this feature to some of your posts does work.

It’s a Shopping Channel 

Instagram is setting itself up to become a shopping channel. It may already really be one. So many brands are there now selling and making a lot of money. You'll be amazed at how much interest you get when you add the right images and set it up correctly. People are ready to shop on Instagram. 

Improves SEO

Because you use keywords with your product tags helps boost your search engine optimization, so you get even more views of your products and other content that you’ve posted. 

A Picture Sells 

Instagram is so good at selling with shoppable posts because of the images you use. Instagram lets you upload many images to offer just the right view of your product to your audience, and they can make an excellent choice to buy your items. 

To use shoppable posts, you must have a business account. Then you will use Facebook to create your product catalog with the shopping Facebook template. You can only sell physical products via Facebook, but you can work around this by using another shopping cart to work with Instagram like BigCommerce.com.