SEMrush's Improved Authority Score: What You Need to Know

As a SEMrush subscriber, you may have noticed your authority score took a bit of a hit in the last few days. This is because they changed how they calculated the version of the authority score. SEMRush believes this will significantly improve how its Authority Score measures a website’s health. 

The Benefits of the New Authority Score

The new Authority Score is even more accurate and trustworthy than before, giving you the confidence you need in your domain's performance. Plus, you'll now receive an explanation of your score directly in the SEMrush interface, so you can better understand the results.

What is Authority Score, and How is it Calculated?

The Authority Score is a measure of a domain's reputation and is determined by three key factors: link power, organic traffic, and a natural profile. In the new formula, a greater emphasis is placed on quality organic traffic and a natural link profile, making the score more accurate and harder to manipulate.

The Making of the New Authority Score

To create the new Authority Score, they spent months consulting with industry experts and SEMrush users. By considering factors such as organic traffic, links, and signs of spam, They were able to create a more reliable and accurate score.

Don't Panic if You See a Drop in Your Score

It's natural to worry if you see a drop in your Authority Score, but don't fret! Just because the calculation has changed and your score may be lower, it doesn't necessarily mean there's anything wrong with your site's health. Consider it a new way to measure your domain's authority and an opportunity to improve it.

How to Improve Your Authority Score

So, what can you do to get your domain in top shape for the new Authority Score? Here are a few steps you can take:

1. Analyze Your Organic Traffic

Make sure your site is attracting the right kind of traffic and that visitors are engaged with your content. Use tools like Google Analytics or Google Search Console to monitor your organic traffic and identify areas for improvement.

2. Improve Your Link Profile

Links play a significant role in determining your Authority Score, so make sure you have a balanced mix of high-quality, relevant links from trusted sources.

3. Avoid Spammy Practices

Avoid practices like link buying, keyword stuffing, and other black hat tactics that can hurt your score.

By following these steps, you can give your domain the boost it needs to shine in the new Authority Score. So get started today and show the world the power of your domain!

Get the Expert Help You Need with WD Morgan Solutions.

At WD Morgan Solutions, we’re a service-disabled veteran-owned digital marketing agency based in Saint Petersburg, FL. We are your one-stop shop for all your digital marketing needs. So if you're looking for help getting the most out of your SEMrush investment, don't hesitate to reach out!